Monday, March 27, 2006

Geoff's birthday weekend!

Geoff's 26th birthday was on Sunday! We had a busy weekend with all our usually activities and then extra stuff to celebrate Geoff's b-day. On Saturday, we went to the Canadian Blood Services where Geoff and his mom were donating blood. It turned out that Geoff couldn't donate for a few more weeks because he just had his TwinRx shot for Hep A and B. Oops. Oh well, then we met up with some of Geoff's friends for dim sum at Central Grand. In the evening, Geoff and I taught a hustle class at the SBS dance. It was lots of fun!

Sunday was ridiculously busy too. Geoff had his final floor hockey game in the morning. When he got home I gave him his gift - a team Canada jersey! I'm glad that I could surprise him; he had no idea what I was getting him. I'm also glad he didn't find it because it was just hidden under the bed! Not many places to hide gifts in an apt!

We rushed off to Heather's SAJETAA (JET Alumni) and JCCA (Japanese-Cdn Comm Assoc) curling funspiel. Chad, Geoff's old workmate, came out so he could see if he wanted to start curling next season. He did really well for a beginner and helped our team to win! I got a promotion from lead to second and it was a lot of fun.

From curling we went to Heather and Peter's place for dinner. Heather and Peter gave Geoff some curvy ergonomical glasses for his b-day! Too bad we don't have room in the apt for all 32 glasses! We ate Chinese take-out and then had to rush back to curling for our playoff game. Seriously, we didn't have 2 mins to ourselves the entire afternoon! Thankfully, Heather and Peter live 4 blocks from the curling rink. All the rushing around was a bad thing for our curling game. We got schooled! The other team were also a B division team except that they curl on Friday nights. A B division team on Friday is more like an A division team on Sunday when we curl. So they were much better than us. Plus we played really badly. I think we lost 12-1 in 6 ends or something like that. And that's the end of our curling season. But, it was definitely a huge accomplishment to be the top of the B division and make the playoffs! So that's something!

Geoff and I stayed for 1 beer after curling and then went to see V for Vendetta. It was a very cool movie and Natalie Portman was great as usual. The movie has some thought-provoking arguments about politics, fear, society, and ideologies. My one critcism was that the movie spelled it out rather than letting you figure it out for yourself.


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